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[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
lol i thought the sledgehammer would hit him
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from the very end :i usually just checks it every now and then, but i never drive with them displayed.

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
very nice video
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
i dont really see the importance of the thread as we already have user name and racername, but what the hell :P

[pLiDeX] Mateo
[HL] Mateo
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from 91mason91 :yea sounds familiar
Whenever i go on holiday to a country that has a decent economy (Germany, Finland i suppose) i never really want to return home as i feel like i want to part of a differant Country.

are you saying that Scotland has a bad economy?
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
hi, i want some derby action in wich server are you playing?
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from BlueFlame :Well I'm going to make a thread about Carrots and because it's reletive to ME means it isn't spam.

ok, do it, i'll post in it
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from Ikaponthus :Well that would be a pretty uncool attitude when you're charging thousands of people no small fee for an unfinished product!

wtf? you have the demo to see how LFS is, if you don't like it, you don't buy it, when you buy it you know it is an unfinished game, and you are paying for the S2 game, all the patches are free additions
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :If you've got nothing to contribute, why not just... not contribute?? Just let people discuss whatever they want to discuss, and if it doesn't interest you, ignore it and move on.

well said
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from AutoPilot :MB: Asus P6T Deluxe
CPU : I7 920 (+TRUE, at stock speed as I built it just before the holidays and was away for 2 weeks, will OC it later)
GPU : Asus 4870/1G
MEM : 3x2 GB OCZ ddr3-1600
HDD : Samsung F1 1TB + Seagate 320GB
PSU : Thermaltake TP 850W
Input devices: G5, G15, G25

I might put X-Fi Music from my old rig...

just beautiful, the only thing taht can be improved is the gpu, or maybe you are waiting for the GTX295?

my rig is in my signature, i'm very happy with it, although i want to buy 2gb more of ram, need a new hdd and a cooler, but i dont have money and over here we have much taxes, my pc costed me around 800 dollars, only the pc, without monitor and devices
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from xGTx :Mateo, por cierto no sabras en donde puedo descargarlo en torrent y que el tracker sea rápido ? y en lo posible cuanto tardaría el cd 2 si son como 6.5 gb?

PD: es casi imposible postear desde mi celular :lol:

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
i don't want a rally pack if i want to rally i play richard burns rally

btw, i hate all these people complaining about slow development, scawen, take your time to make it as realistic as possible

PS: happy 200 post to me
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :thats definitley not blackwood...

and that is a XRT and he already explained it, although i don't believe him
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from NightShift :Considering how most players seem to spend or have spent a lot of time in the demo, I can't really disagree with you.

That, and I don't really think the devs could be tricked in such a childish way anyway

i spent only one week in demo, i loved the game and bought it on 07/01/08, didn't found any sense on spending more time in demo
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
one holden commodore of the australian supercar V8 championship, or one proto of de ALMS
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :It's not my place to judge you, but I do have an opinion...

I got two family crests, my ancestors didn't serve the local baron, they where the local barons... I thought i'd die of shame before admitting that.

well, if we start talking about our familys i can tell you that one of the 8 founders of montevideo's city hall in 1726 was from my family, and since then until now there always have been politicians in my family, presidents, ministers, senators, etc :P now i have an uncle that has been senator, one that has been health minister, and one that has been embassador, and my mother choosed to be a teacher ¬¬ lol :P

EDIT: here is the shield

[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Of course, but the flag was not changed, they didnt drop 3 of the 4 diagonal red lines for instance... If I was going for a full history of the Imperial homeland i'd have to talk about Cornwall and Brittany, and having visited both, I see no reason to ever mention either of them.

S14 & Mateo, heraldic symbols are not flags. You might put one above a gatehouse or on the shield of a knight doing battle for the Monarch as part of the land tithe, but if anything they are merely representative of the feudal system which predates the concept of nations (which in many cultures still doesnt exist, there is for instance no equivellent word to 'nation' in some European dialects). The feudal system, and the concepts of house and land/peasant ownership that derive from it is mostly gone now as we move steadily toward globalisation, but many want to see us as still owned by our sovereign state. Personally i'm a "person" before i'm Welsh before i'm Scottish/English/Irish (@niall, that's republic btw - but i'm Irish enough to consider myself not Irish enough to be Irish).

yeah i also knew, but i posted it because S14 posted it
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from nolimit87 :-2 :bananalla:d

+4 :d
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
M3 e30 ftw!
[plidex] mateo
S2 licensed
Quote from feat :Give me the link for the textures. Theyre awesome, no words.
Nice screenies.

thanks, here are the track an sky textures i use ... red+projects+texture+pack